https://github.com/juhaku/utoipa OpenAPI document generate For Rust
I recently shipped a project 0 with a very similar tech stack: Axum + HTMX + Askama. It’s still in beta but it’s incredible how far you can get with just html, css and less than 20 lines of js. Also, can’t beat the beauty of putting a single binary in a systemd service and have your entire frontend + backend ready to go.
我最近发布了一个项目0,采用了非常相似的技术栈:Axum + HTMX + Askama。虽然它仍处于测试阶段,但仅凭 HTML、CSS 和不到 20 行的 JavaScript 就能实现如此多的功能,实在令人惊叹。此外,将一个单一的二进制文件放入 systemd 服务中,就能让整个前端和后端准备就绪,这种简洁之美无可匹敌。
The only downside that I see is that the binary gets big pretty fast, especially with Askama which basically is a templating engine like Tera but pulls templates at compile time in the binary so you don’t have to copy templates around on your server.
我唯一看到的缺点是二进制文件增长得相当快,尤其是使用 Askama 时,它基本上是一个模板引擎,类似于 Tera,但在编译时将模板拉入二进制文件中,因此你不必在服务器上四处复制模板。
I have not worked with SSR a lot before but it seems it’s harder to cache pages too.
我之前没有太多使用 SSR 的经验,但似乎缓存页面也变得更困难了。
I’d love to read some blog posts on your process. Actix never struck me as super easy, at least when I checked it some 2-3 years ago.
我很想读一些关于你开发过程的博客文章。Actix 从未让我觉得特别简单,至少在我两三年前查看时是这样。
I’d highly recommend reading some articles by Luca Palmieri1, or even buying his book2. Although I didn’t learn this stack by working through his book, whenever I had questions through the years, my searches usually led me to his articles which are often excerpts from the larger book.
我强烈推荐阅读 Luca Palmieri 的一些文章1,甚至购买他的书2。虽然我并非通过他的书来学习这个技术栈,但多年来每当遇到疑问时,我的搜索结果常常指向他的文章,这些文章通常摘自那本更全面的书籍。
The high level of API stability and lack of churn in the Actix ecosystem makes the book a particularly good investment for someone looking to settle on this stack in my opinion. In keeping with the topic of this submission, I doubt I’d be comfortable spending money on a similar book about building web apps with React.
Actix 生态系统中 API 的高稳定性及低变动性,使得这本书对于那些希望在此技术栈上稳定下来的开发者来说,是一笔特别值得的投资,依我之见。与本次提交的主题相符,我恐怕不会愿意花钱购买一本关于使用 React 构建 Web 应用的类似书籍。